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After being brought to my knees from constant physical, emotional and spiritual torture that come along with serious health challenges, almost losing my life a handful of times, meaning in life becomes implicitly simplified; it suddenly becomes abundantly clear that the only thing other than oneself that is real, is love.


Money is like love in that it kills slowly and painfully the one who withholds it, and it enlivens the other who turns it upon his fellow men. In other words, love is only real when it is shared. To be loved means to be recognized as existing. As such we find rest in those we love and we provide a resting place in ourselves for those who love us. These are many of the sentiments I feel when I think of the person who inspired this painting.


Art, for me, is inspired by one of two things – love or pain. Verily they are suspended like two scales between joy and sorrow. They are ultimately inseparable, one provides contrast for the birth of the other. The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain. This is where I feel it is possible to find Joy in Sorrow. Losing what ego you have left and being humbled to the point where all you are driven to live through is your spirit, allows for the contrast of joy and sorrow to become apparent, part of one’s consciousness, where the soul is drawn too, longs, and chooses to feel joy instead of sorrow. It is only during the hour of pain when the heart is purified by flaming sorrow that it can also be illuminated by the torch of love. We get dark, just to shine.


The only emotion I could feel when I thought of my dear friend who inspired this piece, was love, so I attempted to express it on canvas. As a new mother, a woman`s heart evolves to the fullest potential of its being; love that knows no boundaries, has no limits, is ready and willing to give up life itself, complete and ultimate sacrifice, willingly, a boundless and enduring source of infinite patience surfaces and becomes realized of which was once only waiting to be tapped into. This is for all my amazing, strong women, family and friends, mothers new and old who have been awakened by instinctual motherly love and AGAPE in the fullest meaning of the word.


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