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FREEDOM OR DEATH (Ελευθερία ή Θάνατος)

The famous motto that Greeks are well known for is “Freedom or Death”. We have always fought until the death, it is the way of the Greeks. I painted this after coming home from the hospital nearly losing my life, with bandages still wrapped around my arms. Barely able to lift my hands in order to paint and in severe pain, the burning ‘never die’ Greek attitude within me pushed me to finish this painting. I sought a strong woman to depict the passion of the painting and modeled the face of Anna Vissi the famous Greek singer of whom I adore.


This painting is dedicated to all of those struggling with life-threatening illness and in the fight for their lives.


The choice of “Freedom or Death” is actually not a duality. Ultimately, there is only one choice and that is freedom. Metaphorically speaking, the only choice is wellness, taken to the extreme, this painting embodies the sentiment of our aim as patients – which is to obtain unsurpassed levels of health. Our aim, is to truly be RE-BORN.


The purpose of this painting is to serve to remind us all that – WE, CAN, DO, THIS.


How do I know? Because it has already been done. We are not the first or last.


Years of suffering and struggle may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.




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