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I was painting this initially because I was feeling very lost and desperate to know the right ‘next step’, never having any clear idea as to what it may be or if I was taking the right path or making the right moves. But then I realized through feeling lost, that no one really knows what the right next step is, we are all out here wondering and wandering. All we truly know, is to follow our instincts. In other words, just keep following the heartlines on your hand. Always listen to your heart, mind and soul – think, reflect, pray and proceed. Every TESTimony requires a TEST.


We must take risks within our means; success requires a touch of madness. It is in the uncertainty of life that we are able to evolve, grow, and find adventure and meaning. Things that feel so unfulfilling, meaningless and pointless have the potential to actually give birth to real purpose. When we step out into 3rd person and view “The Human Condition” and everyday repetition, it allows for a greater consciousness to grow – What am I doing here? What is my/your purpose? What type of personal legend would you want to leave behind?


Truth is, I am unwell and fighting an uphill battle. Truth also is, this situation is temporary and subject to change. Truth really is, we are created in divine WISDOM and PERFECTION and as human beings we are NOT created to be ill. We are but a TORCH of the flame of the spirit of GOD separated at creation.


There is a SPIRITUAL POWER within you ALL that is PERFECT, your spiritual DNA is PERFECT – that’s why you WANT things and SEEK your health. You are merely expressing the love you hold for yourself by wanting better.


We must continue to remember who we truly are and what we are capable of, in that we have been created in perfection to BE and SHARE love.


This painting had me contemplating the meaning of life. Each and every time I contemplated my purpose and place in the universe, it was dumbed down to the following:


We are here to BE and SHARE.. JOY


By living on purpose through these means, authentically and spiritually aligned with one another, we CAN reach the full potential of our beings.




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