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This painting was initially inspired as a wedding present for a close friend of mine. Whilst painting, I began to understand that the meaning was so much more deep and profound than I could explain. It began to inspire a flood of writing that has not yet been completed but of which I am referring to as “ELEKTRA’S MANIFESTO”.


“My Wish For You” is just that – Love. On the left side of the tree, love has been spelled in Mandarin and on the right in Greek. My wish for the entire world is that we all continue to BE and SHARE love as it is what we have been put here to do.


A short while ago, I had experienced a severe dip in illness where I was totally bedbound and felt I may lose my life. I found myself thinking, when will it just get easier? Looking out the window, I viewed the trees, the flowers abloom and the grass. What a simple life, being connected to the ground and sun 24/7, the only duty being to grow. I was overcome with emotion when I had an “AHA” moment.


The trees, the grass, the birds chirping are all ordinary. The people walking down the street, ordinary. The sunset and the sky changing colour, ordinary. But when I started to actually SEE these things, I realized they are NOT so ordinary. The mere existence of the tree DEFIES gravity. A tree grows UPWARDS and into the sky.


Let me repeat, its existence defies the basic principle of gravity on earth!!


Those colours in the sky that burst each morning and night require perfectly timed phenomena to occur in specific places in latitude and longitude, while cons in our eyes are conditioned to view light, we see a reflection of what is not absorbed – this makes the sky blue or the sun ‘set’ to us.


Just as those ordinary people are walking down the street, I smile and wave at someone walking her dog. Do you know her story? How important she is? Where she is from? She could be an angel in disguise. I am an ordinary person and no different than all of you, no better, no worse. The moral of this story being that ordinary people and things are capable of EXTRAORDINARY things. We are capable of ANYTHING.


Ordinary people put their minds together and brought man to the moon. Ordinary people, studied contemplated, thought outside of the box and created electricity. They did not have tiger blood, they were molded in human flesh just as you and me. Have you asked yourself what you are capable of? Have you contemplated what you could accomplish if failure was not an option? The answer is the world, my friends.


Finding the extraordinary in ordinary is a symbol of love. Love is nothing but recognizing and acknowledging one human being as more than ordinary, extraordinary than the rest, although to many others they may just be ‘ordinary’. I’d like to challenge the idea of perfection in love. When we speak of perfection in general, we are making and drawing conclusions. Once we conclude, we stop to think, stop to ask questions, stop to learn and more importantly stop to grow.


Love is continual growth. How can we grow when we make conclusions that do not allow for progressive thought? We create a perfect love. We ever so evolve and mold together. We continue to find the extraordinary in the ordinary, each and everyday. This is why love is the only force that continues to blossom without the aid of seasons, why you can paradoxically ‘love’ someone more than you did yesterday, or the day before that, or that. Perfection is a cross between an illusion and reality. We create our own realities, and the only thing other than oneself that is real, is love. Love ends where growth stops.

Let us grow together, simply, just as the only duty of the tree on earth is growth – it is a symbol of love and conquering of the daily limiting thoughts and beliefs of the ordinary – that all things on earth must obey gravity. Let’s defy gravity together. And when I find myself saying, “Lord, i just can’t take anymore”, i’ll continue to remember what i’m here for.


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