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Bruises and Beauty of the Moment

Drawn during a lengthy time of being bedridden, then one day making it out to the front porch to watch children play on the street. I remember squinting and the light hurting my eyes because I had been closed off from it for so long. Children`s laughter drowned in the sun`s yellow, golden light, filled my heart with such contentment. Life`s simplicities had become so esoterically nutritive when cutoff from them. It was then that I realized that one cannot know they are the light amidst light, it is only in darkness that we are allotted to shine. Even when happiness forgets us for what seems like an eternity, we cannot forget it, it is always there ready and awaiting our return. Joy and sorrow are inseparable as our joy is our sorrow unmasked. The deeper that sorrow carves into our being, the more joy we are physically able to contain. There is a beautiful side to illness that not many can see or choose to acknowledge. It is only with the eye of the soul that we recognize this beauty. Once the transformation and awareness takes place, one can be elevated consciously to higher levels of understanding and care.


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