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Through the “ultimate sacrifice”, Christ was willing and open to be violated over and over. In the path to wellness, I must open myself up to constant physical and emotional punishment through treatment as a means to an ends. We all have our own crosses to bear and sacrifices to make, which can only lead us to greatness and increase our worthiness in our goals as human beings. I have come to understand that after all the suffering the only thing left is the resurrection. At the end of pain is purpose, at the end of suffering lays success.


Let us stop and think for a moment of the Lord’s ultimate sacrifice on the Cross and all the pain He endured. If this did not happen, people would not think His story to be remarkable nor would there be what is known as ‘forgiveness’ and ‘repentance’. Thus, the purpose of pain in this context, is the eternal and inexhaustible source of therapeutic grace, rebirth and restoration of the soul. Indeed, “He has borne our griefs…” (Mat 8:19). How many hearts would be comforted, bitterness dissolved, patience strengthened, unbearable weights on our chests lifted, with this simple information.


If we can understand that we are being disciplined for our ‘profit’, then all the discouragement and mental weakness can be turned to courage and power. With this ultimate truth, consolation, comfort and peace will flood our souls. We all want to think that in our darkest hours, our pain is the worst, unbearable, impenetrable. That we don’t have the endurance to last through our struggle. That we will never be able to enjoy the warmth of the sun beating against our backs. In these hours, we have rebuked all logic, hope and faith from within our spirits. For, if we can rest all of our troubles on the assurance that God will not test us more than our endurance permits and that our discipline is for profit, we will be able to accept and endure the impossible. He will not permit disciplinary pain past our powers, He will follow the course of His children’s pain and if need be, He will intervene at the correct moment. His intervention is so convincing that we may see how unsubstantial our unbelief really is, how meaningless our complaints and how unnecessary our despair.


We must continue to kick, claw, climb, crawl… our way to freedom. For, we will triumph and be resurrected and transformed, more beautiful than before because we have suffered.


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