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Believe or Leave

Again, inspired by passages and pages in the Bible after suffering through months of convulsions and 3 near death experiences while not having any real answers or help. Friends and relationships were left behind because those people stopped believing. Blind faith is all that carried me through, believing and knowing that my struggle was much greater than myself, that my purpose was much greater than my suffering. Blessings are often disguised as situations that do not seem to serve us but I`m here to tell you, things are not always as they seem. I was contemplating whether or not my blessing was a curse when I saw some part of myself in this portrait of the Virgin Mary. She is handed a flower to commemorate the news of being highly honoured and favoured to bear our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. But no one warned her of all the suffering and struggle she would face whilst watching the bludgeoning of her own Son. She sat along the sidelines, her soul being stripped and ripped to pieces as she watched her Son beat until He was unrecognizable. Where can one find the blessing in that? We ask. Well, there was an end to Her suffering, at the end of suffering lays only the resurrection and glory of heaven where after 3 days her Son arose and continues to exemplify the symbol of eternal redemption and rebirth. Adversity often carries a high price but that price of suffering cannot compare to the glory that is revealed through it once we reach the other end; joy and contentment. If I was to leave this earth, I wanted to be sure that I used every, single, bit of talent God had gifted me with. I drew and drew to keep myself focussed and sane through all the madness, to remind myself who I am really am, what my purpose really is, and that I was much greater than the adversity I was facing.

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