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OLYMPIC ATHLETE (Ολυμπιoνικης)

ΝΟΥΣ ΥΓΙΗΣ ΕΝ ΣΩΜΑΤΙ ΥΓΙΕΙ – “Healthy mind follows a healthy body”.


The ancient Greeks believed in order to have a healthy body one must also have a healthy, disciplined mind. Olympic athletes represent patience, perseverance and discipline of mind, body and soul; all the virtues necessary to reach the finish line. To be awarded the winner’s wreath was one of the highest honours in ancient times. Great discipline and patience were required to paint each and every detail that embodies the strength of the Olympioniki (Olympic medalist) and are required to gain my crown of health back once again.


This was the first painting I created during the beginning of my illness. I went from totally normal to bedridden in a course of 6 months. I had no idea what was happening to me, my body or why. I was being scheduled appointments months out to visit one doctor after another, who provided no real answers or solutions as to what was going on, breeding more fear and despair as my condition was worsening by the moment.


I needed to look deep within myself to find patience as I intrinsically knew the answers would eventually come. I found deep solace within painting and discovering a depth of talent I did not know I possessed.


What is patience? It is the power and brave nobility of the soul that remains unconquerable in the face of injustice, slander and persecution. It does not fight back, hate, hold grudges or take revenge; it endures, suffers and maintains spiritual peace. From a religious standpoint, patience is spiritual bravery paving the way to perfect virtue. It is found deep and dormant in every individual until their trial comes about and they must dig deep and search within themselves for it. When exhausted to its fullest capabilities it can be transformed to heroism; to be a hero by virtue of patience.


It is knowing that however good or bad today is, we have the power within us to make tomorrow even better. We are conscious creators of our reality when we choose to take responsibility for our lives. I come from deep Greek roots, which is why it is instinctual for me to fight for my life, for change, for my freedom. In the same sense, with the current situation in Greece, I believe we are forgetting who we truly are as a civilization and a race. I believe we need to be reminded of the immense power that lays within us as a nation, of who we truly are and what we are capable of. We need to be reminded of our rich history and culture, of our bravery, of our passion and of our unconquerable spirit as Greeks.


In this sense, we must use our imagination not to scare ourselves to death, but to inspire ourselves to life. I am learning to be guided by truth, and not my circumstances. The truth is, we are all in our own right capable, only we can come to this realization and begin to change our lives and by doing so, inspire those around us to do the same.


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