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Just as it took Odysseus 20 years at sea to return to his home, more wise and humbled because of his sufferings and struggles, we all have our path in life and our own “Ithaca” to return too. I use the word ‘return’ as a metaphor in reaching our fullest potential of our true self. We are not uncovering this potential, we already comprise it; it is laying dormant within us waiting to be awakened. To actualize oneself, is to tap into this potential. It is not about the destination, rather, it is the journey. I hold achieving full and total health in mind, body and spirit as my ultimate destination and goal, however i am learning to stop being in a hurry to ‘fix things. Instead, I search to enrich my understanding in the ever going process of self-discovery and more towards finding the cause of my ignorance.


This painting was inspired by the birth of a young boy who had a troubled start in life of whom i hold dear to my heart. It is to remind us that life is the train, not the station. We must keep the destination in our minds but it is the journey that helps to transform us and bring us closer to who we really are.


“And if you find her poor, Ithaca has not deceived you. Wise as you have become, with so much experience, you must already have understood what Ithacas mean”. Constantine Cavafy



“A genuine odyssey is not about piling up experiences. It is a deeply felt, risky, unpredictable tour of the soul”. Thomas Moor


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