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The happiest times of my life have been spent in Greece during my stays with family and friends. I painted this during the beginning of my illness when nothing was making sense, and my entire life and everything I had known was lost – family, friends, school, career, sport, etc. I attempted to escape mentally to where my soul craved to be, where everything made sense and where the environment, culture and beauty of a simple sunset reminded me of who I really was, as I was losing my identity to my illness.


The first place I will journey too once able, I have put in my heart to be the Greek islands. My heart’s desire is to re-connect with family and friends from back home as I have come to realize that when we are stripped of every material and physical possession and sense of ego, the only thing that is left and that is real in life that matters is the love we share. Suddenly, all that matters is love.


I have a collage of pictures all over my wall in my bedroom of the Greek islands. I consider this to be my “Vision Board” as I attempt to close the gap between dreams and reality through action. I have also bought an island dress that I plan to where in Santorini.


I have not returned to Greece since 2001 and just like the saying goes, “I left my heart in Greece”. I intend to go back and find it, very soon.


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